Aside from the every day expenses for the neighborhood (lawn service, electricity, pool cleaning, etc.) and the reserve fund for large future expenses, the BOD is working diligently behind the scenes to complete projects of varying significance throughout the community. Some of those projects, along with their progress are listed below. Have we missed something? Have a project you would like to see completed? Click Here to send us an email and let us know!!
. PVC fence on SW corner of community repaired with brush and tree
stump removed
. Repair leaking sprinklers on south-west side of community
. Replace Artemis Lifestyles Management with Nexus
. Repair and replace GFI switches, weatherproof
electrical boxes and replace surge protectors.
. Repair and replace pool skimmers
. Purchase 12 new lounge chairs for the community pool
. Replace community pool liner
. Refurbish community bulletin board
. Repair and replace pool motor and pump
. Paint the entry island wall and cap stones
. Power wash pool pavers and playground fence
. Refurbish landscaping at entrance and exit islands
. Repair and replace damaged pavers on outside island
. Spray insecticide and fertilize trees on outer wall
. Replace control arms for outside gates
. Install new wi-fi camera for 180 views outside gates
. Upgrade other cameras and DVR system
. Install wi-fi bridge to DVR system
. Repair and replace shower head and chain for community pool
. Repair - replace electrical driver for pool motor and pump
. Replace ground sensors for front entrance gate
. Repair and replace sprinkler lines, valves and sprinkler heads
. Replace sprinkler calanoids
. Hire new lawnmowing and landscaping company for PSW
. Hire new fertilizing company
. Replace broken baby swing at playground
. Repair washout under wall at NE end of cement wall
. Repair drainage flow leading to canal at NE end of wall
. Repair damage to retaining wall on outside island
. Trim all trees on common ground... approx. 200
. Power wash retaining walls and sidewalks
. Front gate call box changed from landline to 5G WI-FI
. Pedestrian gate hinges replaced
. Stolen locks on playground gate replaced
. Replace electronic lock for pool entrance gate
. Replace electric box and circuit breaker for fountain
. Lay conduit enclosed wiring for front entrance gates
. Pool cabana ceiling repainted to eliminate rust on screws
. Replaced damaged slide at playground
. Pine bark added to common ground landscape
. Replace electrical box housing at front gate
. Erect retaining walls at both pedestrian walkways,
around both entry islands, around inside island,
and around pool landscaping
. Replace pool shower head
, Add two cameras under pool cabana to cover blind spots
. Replace broken coach lights on pool cabana
. Replace pool net skimmer, hooks and pole
. Cabana ceiling replaced
. All perimeter fences power washed
. 5 new picnic tables replaced 3 old tables
. No standing signs installed by front entrance
. Rocks added to sides of entrance way
. Call box at front gate updated
. Pool pump replaced
. Entrance sidewalks power washed
. Pool parking area power washed
. Sprinkler system parts replaced-repaired
. All common area trees trimmed
. Electronic lock on emergency pool gate exit
Community Storage Building Installed - COMPLETE
A 10' x 10' storage facility was installed adjacent to the community pool. The facility provides storage for community decorations, signage, tools, and pool maintenance items. Prior to the installation, community property was stored in a variety of locations....to include private garages. The facility is a durable, hurricane resistant structure which should serve the PSW community for years.
Replacement of Dead/Dying Trees - COMPLETE
The dead and dying Pine trees that are in the landscaping in the front of the community are in the process of being removed and replaced due to infection by Pine Bark Beetle. The Pine trees will be replaced by a mix of different trees to prevent a similar issue with all trees from occurring again in the future.
2/2/20 Update: The permit from the City of Palm Bay to remove the trees has been obtained and the Pine trees have been removed. The BOD will meet on 2/4/2020 to determine what trees will be used to replace the trees that have been removed.
Clear Overgrowth in Easement - COMPLETE
Flawless will be making one pass across the North side of the neighborhood to cut back the overgrown vegetation in the easement. This will allow the lawn company to be able to utilize this easement to access yards as well as allow homeowners access to this space.
Playground Area Upgrades - COMPLETE
The saw grass in the playground area will be removed. - COMPLETE
Two new park benches will be installed, with one of them engraved and dedicated to long time, late Parkside West Board Member, Patricia Ketterman. - COMPLETE
Entrance/Gate & Playground Fence Cleaning - COMPLETE
The BOD has approved a bid to have the front entrance area and gate as well as the fence surrounding the playground pressure washed.
Upgrade to Entrance Lighting - COMPLETE
The BOD has authorized the upgrade of the entrance lighting to replace the deteriorating and malfunctioning lights. The old lights will be replaced with LED lights, thus saving electricity. The malfunctioning timer will also be replaced so that the lights are not on 24/7.
Installation of Security Cameras - COMPLETE
The BOD has approved the installation of Security Cameras to monitor the front entrance area, the playground, and the pool area. This will help to reduce the liability of the Association as well as help to provide valuable information for authorities in the event of an incident in any of these areas. There will be a special camera at the gate to read license plates of vehicles in the area of the front gate.
Replacement of Dead/Dying Trees - COMPLETE
The BOD is currently working to get an estimate on the cost to replace the diseased and dying pine trees in front of the community. Ryan with SCPM is trying to work with the City of Palm Bay to have the permitting fees reduced for the project. Current fees are $20 per tree to cut the dying trees down.
6/15/19 Update: Due to the very high cost of this project, it has been placed on hold for the time being.
New Pool Furniture - COMPLETE
The BOD has voted to purchase new pool furniture to replace aging and broken furniture. The BOD has opted to spend a little more to acquire some higher quality furniture in hopes that it will last longer.
6/15/19 Update: The BOD set the budget at $5000. Pool furniture should be purchased very soon.
Pool Deck Cleaned - COMPLETE
The deck to the pool area was pressure washed and re-sealed in early May and is ready for a fun Summer swimming season.
Lake Treatments - COMPLETE
The lakes were treated to help kill the algae and plant growth in all four lakes. These treatments will take a few weeks before we will begin to see a noticeable decline in plant and algae growth.
Vinyl Fence Cleaning - COMPLETE
The vinyl fence along the southwest border of the community has been pressure washed and looks great!